Catherine brady

Burlington, Ontario.


I have always been creative.  In elementary school I would participate in anything artistic to avoid the science and math side of my education. My mother was a saint -never grumbling on the weekends as my friends and I took over her kitchen playing with wax and other material creating a few candles but mostly a mess. My mother taught me to  sew at an early age and in fact I knew more in Grade 8 Home Economics than the teacher did! In later years I turned my hand to soft furnishings and draperies. What a sense of accomplishment turning yards of fabric into wonderful rooms!  When  my son Ben  started High School I decided to take a watercolour course at the Burlington Art Centre in Burlington Ontario. My instructor Liz Pudsey, a well know regional artist, encouraged me and ultimately invited me to paint with her and three other students in her studio.  Did I learn a lot! Subsequently I studied  life drawing with Wayne Moore, pastel with Anne Kelly Walsh and Deborah Pearce, all accomplished artists here in Ontario.   I love colour and big colour at that!  I find it very restrictive painting on small paper or canvases and enjoy the freedom that a large format allows.  I hope you enjoy the gallery!